The Beginning of Light
"The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature." Joseph Campbell
It was the first morning of our trip to Hunting Island just below Beaufort, SC. I got up when it was still dark, but I could just begin to see bits of pale light on the horizon. Then came the orange, the deep black purples with wisps of blue. The sun had not yet risen, but it was “The Beginning of Light.”
It was the shortest and most beautiful three minutes as I tried to also capture some of it with my camera. It has also been one of the hardest images to paint having started over at least 5 times, including several sandings. What I wanted to capture was not the sunrise, but the feeling of sunrise just beginning—the first sparks of light.
It was the first morning of our trip to Hunting Island just below Beaufort, SC. I got up when it was still dark, but I could just begin to see bits of pale light on the horizon. Then came the orange, the deep black purples with wisps of blue. The sun had not yet risen, but it was “The Beginning of Light.”
It was the shortest and most beautiful three minutes as I tried to also capture some of it with my camera. It has also been one of the hardest images to paint having started over at least 5 times, including several sandings. What I wanted to capture was not the sunrise, but the feeling of sunrise just beginning—the first sparks of light.